Title |
Authors/Editors |
Publisher |
Type |
Copies |
The Male Body
University of Michigan Press |
Books |
1 |
Invented Identities? Lesbians and Gays Talk about Migration
Cassell |
Books |
1 |
Gay Marriage: Why It Is Good for Gays, Good for Straights, and Good for America
Holt Paperbacks |
Books |
1 |
Queer Bashing: A National Survey of Hate Crimes Against Lesbians and Gay Men
Books |
1 |
The Masculine Marine: Homoeroticism in the U.S. Marine Corps (Haworth Gay & Lesbian Studies)
Harrington Park Press |
Books |
1 |
The Rise and Fall of Gay Culture
Ballantine Books |
Books |
1 |
If You Seduce a Straight Person, Can You Make Them Gay?: Issues in Biological Essentialism Versus Social Constructionism in Gay and Lesbian Identities
Routledge |
Books |
1 |
Soft Core: Moral Crusades Against Pornography in Britain and America
Books |
1 |
The Sexual Metaphor
Pearson Higher Education |
Books |
1 |
One in Every Family: Dispelling the Myths About Lesbians and Gay Men (Queer Views)
Attic Pr |
Books |
1 |